
The Rules Of Survival Into The Wild

How did you feel going shopping on Christmas Eve? How did you meet New Year? Was it the same way you felt last year? During the previous year things have changed a lot. They were changing at the speed of sound and I can hardly say they’ve changed to the good for the average citizen anywhere in Europe.

When did it all start and whom to blame? I know one thing for sure – if we managed to survive this New Year we would be able to survive in any circumstances.

The Saga Begins

In spring 2014 Russian intervention in the Crimea caused a so-called storm in a barrel both in the world politics and global economy. The first aftermath did not wait too long. They took place even before the scandalous Crimean referendum – price for oil, gas and gold rashly took the wing. What was next? I guess it will be clear if you turn on your TV and watch the news. But be ready for the worst – the news don’t rejoice anymore and it is unknown when will gladden the audience again.

Russia vs Europe: Who Will Win?

Since the world community and Russia turned out to be at the opposite poles both sides search for each other’s new sore spots. While the Crimean integration to The Russian Federation has successfully finished Brussels has been bringing out new punishments straight off the ice. If the political sanctions didn’t scare Russia and didn’t force Putin to abandon his plans, the economic ones scared not as much Russia as the whole world. If you take a closer look you will see that the new sanctions influenced global economy greatly. Seems like Europe and company put a good face on a bad game while Russia doesn’t complain and seems even not  to notice all the sanctions. What is that – completely logical manifestations of mysterious Russian soul or incredible sangfroid and harding? Was it pertinently to impose sanctions against the great realm at all? Just remind how any comedy was impossible to do without jokes about Russian might and oddity. Maybe right now they just want to gain revenge.

From Russia with Love

At the same time the former President of the European Commission Jose Barroso is quite confident about European economy in the nearest future. He claims that total collapse of the ruble won’t disturb anyone except Russians. Barroso is sure the collapse of the Russian economy (no matter how widescale it is) doesn’t threaten Europe. He affirms that Russia is not so integrated into the world economy it could cause its recession. Still he recommends to be prepared to the long-term crisis with the involvement of Russia. But Monsieur Barroso seems to be more interested in fawning and carrying favors to the EU and Angela Merkel in particular. He absolutely maintains sanctions against Russia  - no love and no sorrow. He sings the praises about police correctness of the EU and especially about the way Frau Merkel increased the credibility of Germany.

The Great Depression Awaits

Some experts are quite afflicted by the fact Russia loses its chances for modernization. What is Russia afflicted by – no one knows.
It seems that a new participant appears on the world stage. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce China! Today namely this state has enormous economic strength and stands right behind the back of Russia. China seems to be a real power, its economy level rises unhesitatingly while Russian economy weakens and for now leaves much to be desired.
By the way if you were concerned by the geopolitical conflict and were looking forward for the civil war to end – do no thank God yet. It is disadvantageous to be a pacifist today. The experts forecast that cessation of hostilities on Donbass will again influence the global economy and unfortunately not only in a positive way.

Take a thought about your plans this year – how to save and increase your income within the confines of the world crisis? Do you choose to be isolated Russia or rising China? Or maybe Ukraine risking and finding something new?

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